Complete your analysis of a newspaper in the following way. 1. Open up a new blogpost called 'NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS - AN ADVERT' Find an ad, preferably either a half-page, full-page or double-page ad. Again, take a shot of it and slot the image under the heading. 2. Then tell me about the advert, again answering only the questions you think are relevant. What’s the style of language? (Formal/chatty/serious/funny/young/old)? What sort of colours and fonts are predominant – why? What kind of image features in the ad? Why? What is the images denotation and connotation? How is the meaning created through the layout – why do you think things have been placed where they have? Would you have done things differently? Does the ad actually appear close to an article that refers to what’s being advertised? Does the ad seem targeted at the same audience that the newspaper has (working class for a tabloid newspaper, middle cl...