So far you've
and you're now in a position where you have
A First Draft Front Cover
A First Draft Article
Time to swing back to working on your FRONT COVER - there's no avoiding the fact that you need INDESIGN TIME - the thought that you'll get the design aspects of your magazine ready in a week is for the birds - not gonna happen. You're only spending about five or six hours a week in here and you'll need it to improve your skills.
Well aware that when left to your own devices you'll mainly muck around on your own devices I want this creative process to unfold like this.
1. Open up a new blogpost. Call it 'Print Production Week 5 - Front Cover Second Draft'
2. Open up your First Draft of your front cover in Indesign, and open up your production diary from the week you created it (Week 1). Are you still going to stick with your original draft layout or are you going to change it? If you want to change it, do so and save the image.
3. Continue working on your front cover. If you feel that you're getting better at Indesign keep exploring it and use google or youtube to discover how to create effects, shapes, colours, pictures, text etc.
You might also want to explore the FREE TEMPLATES that are out there for Indesign. You might find it easier to use and adapt a template and slot your text and images in . The following sites contain links to free templates
4. Add the heading 'FRONT COVER SECOND DRAFT''. Once you've got a Second Draft of your front cover screenshot it into your blogpost.
This second draft should show some improvement from your first draft, and should have made the changes you indicated in your production diary (the things you weren't happy with should be fixed).
5. Add the heading 'PRODUCTION DIARY WEEK 5'. As usual tell me the following.
- What have you done this week? If you've changed the layout screenshot it in here and say what you've changed and why.
What did you attempt to improve about your front cover and how did you go about it (using templates? What links did you use for research into Indesign skills?)
- Are you happy with your second draft? What's wrong with it? What still needs improving? What skills do you need to explore to improve the look of your cover?
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